We've been married 38 years, raised 4 responsible adults and have 9 beautiful grandchildren. Early in our marriage, we discovered that family is the cornerstone of society. Without Godly families society fails. This set us into motion for opportunities to strengthen and restore the soul of the family, one couple at a time.
1990 was an emotional and trying time when we lost our baby. We grieved differently and struggled for hope and connection. A friend, who knew about our loss, shared the high risk of divorce that accompanies this tragedy. He urged us to get involved in a ministry that promoted marriage conferences in Detroit. We understood that we were not immune to the risk of divorce.
We worked on the ministry team for 12 years, organizing, promoting, and attending the conference. We learned that 80% of marriages, who lose a child, fail due to blame, misunderstandings, grieving differently, and distancing. This brought us a tremendous amount of understanding, both individually and collectively. We drew closer together and our passion to coach couples and improve the health of the family began to grow. Marriages not only need to be strengthened, but they can be made whole and full of purpose.
Our pastor asked us to help prepare engaged couples for marriage, so we developed a Bible-based curriculum called Marriage Basics. We have been teaching Marriage Basics since 2009 to hundreds of people. Some couples are considering marriage, some are engaged, and others are already married but want to strengthen and deepen their commitment to walk as one. Marriage Basics is available as an online course and can be taken from anywhere at any time.
Several couples that have taken Marriage Basics have asked, “What's next?”. This progressed to hosting Walk as One Marriage Conferences where we discuss topics beyond the basics that affect most married couples. Each conference is different in format and topics. Our heart is to provide godly wisdom and an enduring foundation. We want to inspire couples so they can succeed.
It was the many godly leaders and unfailing workers who gave us motivation and encouragement to push on. We have been saying yes to God’s direction to restore families, one at a time. Each step of our life together has been an advancement toward another adventure in our mission for marriage.
We said yes!
Our passion is helping your relationship reach its full potential. We work closely with you to understand your unique situation and develop strategies that are tailored toward a resolution. Together we seek solutions to improve your relationship or refer you to other qualified options.
Reach out for a free consult.